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Noku Privacy Policy

Noku is a website/app that creates pictographic representations of words for fun and entertainment. It is designed and run by Manicgrin Media Ltd.

The data we collect about you

We don't collect any personally identifiable data about you.

Google Analytics 4

We use Google Analytics 4 to collect anonymous information about how you use our site/app. We do this to analyse usage and browsing trends and help us make improvements to the site/app content and user experience. If you’d rather not have this information recorded it’s possible to opt out of Google Analytics using this online tool. You can find out more about how Google use your data via their Privacy Policy.

We use Google Analytics to track:

  • The pages you view
  • Where you came from (e.g. a search engine)
  • How long you spend on our website/app
  • Your behaviour once on the site/app (e.g. the sequence of pages you visit)
  • Your geographical location

This site/app and Google Analytics set the following cookies:

  • _ga: This cookie (and similar variants) assigns a random number to identify a browsing session for the purposes of tracking website/app usage.
  • PHPSESSID: Variable used by the server to track various things about the running of the website/app, such as whether you are logged in or not. Expires after about an hour (when you have to log in again).
  • geolocation: Stores country level data that will, in the future, be used to localise the text on the site/app.
  • cookieconsent_dismissed: This stops the cookie consent banner appearing every time you visit the website/app.

Current cookies

Here is a list of the cookies stored for this session:


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